Monday, October 12, 2009

Updating Your Availability Calendar

Imagine you are looking for a place to stay and you find this great website ( :) . You are looking for a place to stay for graduation weekend and you see this great feature that lets you search by availability. So you plug in the dates for graduation weekend and the site shows you that there are 15 beautiful vacation rentals available that weekend. So you do some more sorting and you pick out 5 that are big enough for your group and in your price range. Then you spend the next 15 minutes e-mailing and or calling these 5 properties only to find out that they are all already booked.

Can you imagine how FRUSTRATING that would be? I mean what a huge pump fake and waste of time!!

In an effort to make sure that this does not happen to renters on we are displaying properties on our site so that the rentals with the most recently updated calendar are displayed at the top of every list. This provides our owners with a strong incentive to keep calendars updated.We hope that this reorganization of our vacation rental properties together with frequent reminders from us via newsletters etc... will keep all of the renters that we work so hard to get to the site happy.

We would love to hear from you guys so please leave a comment below


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  11. thank you for the information provided, we are waiting for the next info


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