Friday, November 20, 2009

New Calendar Lets You Publish Peak Rates!!

We just launched a new calendar that lets you publish peak rates right along side your availability calendar. Over the last couple months renters have expressed frustration over the fact that there was no way to tell whether or not a certain weekend was considered peak or standard without contacting the owners. We have solved this problem and in the process made several other improvements to the calendar that make it much more user friendly for our property owners. Login to your account today and check it out! Please offer any feedback you have about the calendar right here on our blog.


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    1- الاهتمام باحدث الاجهزة المخصصة فى اعمال الكشف وبالاضافة الى التعرف على اساليب الكشف التى تتلائم مع مكان التسرب .
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